In Case You Missed It-See the New York Observer! and Mark July 10 in RED on your Calendars

CaptureNYO628In the last two weeks, the New York Observer has published four articles, all of which have been in the TOP TRENDING on the site since they were published.

Three have been picked up by Drudge; by Investor’s Business Daily, and the last even by Breitbart, which “borrowed” the title from the Observer and most of my article.

Here are the links and please forward them to all of your friends.  We are all starved for honesty in government-regardless of the party in power. We must demand better, and now Judge Emmet Sullivan may help us get to some of the truth.

ALL THE PRESIDENT’s MUSES: Obama and Prosecutorial Misconduct



And the MOST RECENT/BREAKING NEWS, which has gone viral with more than 7,000 facebook posts alone, MEET EMMET SULLIVAN -the federal judge in DC who is the HERO in my book, Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice, already an Amazon BestSeller.  It is available on Kindle and on Nook for only $8.49, and in a terrific hardback online and in stores.

Judge Sullivan previously appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the Department of Justice and the prosecutors who hid evidence that was devastating to its ginned-up case against former United States Senator Ted Stevens. He has set a special hearing on the case filed by Judicial Watch for JULY 10.  For the full story on Emmet Sullivan, read LICENSED TO LIE.  There is reason to hope that IRS has met its match!


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Sidney Powell on the Larry Parks Show in New York & TOP Trending Article in NY Observer

thGL05DGF0Sidney Powell discuss Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice on the Larry Parks show in New York.   Click here to watch the show.  It’s about 25 minutes.

For the top trending article for 4 days now in the NY OBSERVER, written by Licensed to Lie author Sidney Powell, see

ALL THE PRESIDENT’s MUSES could take a lesson from All the President’s Men:

‘Nothing’s riding on this except, uh, the first amendment to the Constitution, freedom of the press, and maybe the future of the country.'”



Radio Host Chad Hasty Interviews Author Sidney Powell

logoTalk Show Host Chad Hasty engages Sidney Powell in a full discussion of Licensed to Lie, including a question from a listener.  Click on the link below and scroll to the bottom of the page to hear the full interview. Here’s a quote from the Hasty Show Website.

In the book, which she describes as a legal thriller, Powell discusses the corruption she personally witnessed while involved in the U.S. justice system and what she calls “cruel, illegal, and unethical” practices being used by prosecutors in the Justice Department.

“It’s a book a prayed I’d never have to write- I did have to write it, because despite ten years of litigation, basically. . . we could not get the system to work like it should have. And injustice is something I have no tolerance for.”

With the new book, Powell hopes to bring national attention to the wide-spread corruption of the U.S. Justice Department. In the interview, Powell discussed the various cases that she covers in her book that demonstrate wide spread corruption in high profile court cases. She also explained how the book covers the extreme and devastating personal tolls that federal criminal prosecution can have on individuals and families involved.

She accounts her attempts to meet with various Department of Justice officials such as Attorney General Eric Holder, to try and bring those responsible for corruption to justice, but Holder is said to have ultimately ignored her, despite previous promises that Holder was going to clean up the department. When recalling interactions with Holder on a specific case, Powell said,

“I went to DC for a meeting with his[Holder] subordinates. . . he refused to meet with us, of course. . . They treated us with such hostility in the meeting that it was clear nothing was going to be done about it.”

Be sure to click on the small red bar toward the bottom of the show website to hear the full interview!

Sidney and Chad Discuss Licensed to Lie

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Look Who’s Advising Obama on Benghazi Cover-Up-Ruemmler & Monaco Revealed in LICENSED TO LIE

2014-06-02-ReaganBenghazi-CarafanoLOOK who’s advising the President on the Benghazi cover-up! Kathryn Ruemmler, chief White House Counsel, seated to the left of the president, was lead prosecutor on the Enron Task Force who “plainly suppressed evidence” favorable to the defense while 4 Merrill Executives went to prison for something that wasn’t a crime. As James Carafano makes clear, the President could have chosen the path of Truth taken by Reagan in the Iran-Contra debacle, but instead, we have lies and a cover-up and now the release of Taliban terrorists from GITMO.

Ruemmler and her corrupt team of prosecutors (also promoted to high positions) actually YELLOW-HIGHLIGHTED evidence they were legally and ethically required to provide to the defense, and they deliberately hid it instead. And we wonder why we can’t get the truth on Benghazi??!  Also pictured just to the right of POTUS is another member of the corrupt cabal of prosecutors, Lisa Monaco-implicated in the Enron Broadband trial misconduct.  These former federal prosecutors are all discussed in the new book LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice with the Foreword written in his personal capacity by the incomparable Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge of the Ninth Circuit.

We called for Ruemmler’s resignation a year ago, but Obama wanted her to stay.  She left just after the announcement of the release of the new blockbuster revelations of her legal, ethical and constitutional violations in the best-selling book LICENSED TO LIE.  Coincidence?  We think not.

Meanwhile, brilliant and profound reviews of LICENSED TO LIE continue to pour in-from readers and writers!  Be a part of the national discussion Judge Kozinski calls for on this important issue.  See who Obama chose to whisper in his ear on decisions affecting every aspect of our lives despite-or because of-their disregard for the Rule of Law and their legacy of injustice?


Photo by Pete Souza (White House flickr)

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Emmy-Award Winner Dennis Miller Discusses Licensed to Lie with Author Sidney Powell

Dennis Miller

Dennis Miller


Listen to Sidney Powell discuss LICENSED TO LIE with Dennis Miller on his DMZ Radio Show.  LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice continues to draw rave reviews from readers and the experts and is a #1 BESTSELLER on where it is also now available on KINDLE.



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