Listen to Sidney Discuss Brady Problems, Our Corrupt DOJ, and Licensed to Lie
On the evening of April 8, Sidney Powell discussed various problems in our criminal justice system with the advocates on A Just Cause Coast to Coast Radio. In case you missed it, you may listen here. Sidney’s conversation on the need for fairness in our courts and supervision of prosecutors begins at about 35 minutes into the broadcast.
Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice is the true story of of the strong-arm, unethical, and illegal tactics used by a cabal of elite federal prosecutors in their own narcissistic pursuit of political power and fame. Some went on to become Chief White House Counsel, General Counsel of the FBI, and the Acting Attorney General of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice who directed the corrupt conviction of and unseated United States Senator Ted Stevens-changing the balance of power in the United States Senate and paving the way for the passage of Obamacare.
The beat goes on as former Enron Task Force Director Leslie Caldwell awaits Senate confirmation to be the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. She, with Andrew Weissmann, and assisted by Matthew Friedrich and Samuel Buell, destroyed Arthur Andersen LLP and its 85,000 jobs in an unprecedented corporate prosecution, where they concocted a crime. Too late to save Andersen, a UNANIMOUS Supreme Court eventually reversed their high-profile prosecution and claim to fame because Andersen had not committed a crime and the jury instructions failed to require criminal intent.
Copies of LICENSED TO LIE may be pre-ordered now at It’s publication date is MAY 1- LAW DAY! and its Foreword is written by Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Alex Kozinski in his personal capacity. This true story is jaw-dropping.