Lots of News!
Sidney Powell, Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, and Dean Ron Weich appeared on Book TV, C-SPAN2, to discuss LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice. The live event was hosted by the CATO INSTITUTE in Washington D.C. and moderated by Tim Lynch.
The panel discussed the importance and effect of Brady violations-the failure of prosecutors to meet their constitutional, legal and ethical obligations to produce evidence favorable to the defense-and the extraordinary and unsupervised power that prosecutors wield.
The event will be broadcast again Saturday, August 9 at 3 p.m. ET on C-Span2.
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT featured a fantastic article by Contributing Editor PETER ROFF about LICENSED TO LIE. People have described it as the best yet on the book!
Financial advisor Dawn Bennett, also a syndicated radio show host in Washington D.C., had Sidney on her program, FINANCIAL MYTH BUSTING, to discuss LICENSED TO LIE. You can listen to it by clicking here, or read the transcript of the interview here (some errors).
And Licensed to Lie hit #1 on Amazon in the Judicial Branch category. In the category of True Crime, it appeared on the same page as John Grisham’s non-fiction book. It was a big week!
THE BOOK MAY BE ORDERED THROUGH LINKS at LICENSEDtoLIE.com, including autographed copies which are available from the author and may be personalized upon request.